
Step 1: Make Your Payment

  1. Log in to the family reunion website: MhoonParrishMoon Website.
  2. Click on Pay Activity Fees


  1. After clicking on the Pay Activity Link, scroll down to make your selections,
  2. Continue scrolling until you get to the pay option
  3. Select the category that applies to you from the dropdown menu:
    • Category 1: Children Under Age Four
    • Category 2: Children Aged Five to Twelve (12)
    • Category 3: Aged Thirteen to Seventy (70)
    • Category 4: Aged Above Seventy
  4. Specify the number of tickets for each applicable category.
  5. Provide the following details:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Address
    • City, State, and ZIP
    • T-Shirt Size

Answer the allergy question.

  1. Press the "Submit" button.

Step 2: Confirm Your Selection

  1.  You will be directed to a confirmation page after submitting your details.
  2. Review your selections to ensure accuracy.
  3. If everything is correct, proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Securely Fill in Your Information

  1. Please fill in the form below with your information.
  2. Your data is encrypted using secure socket layer technology (SSL) for complete safety.
  3. Ensure to provide accurate and complete information.
  4. Click only once to submit. Be patient while your request is being processed.
  5. Do not refresh your page after clicking to submit.